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Corrective Exercise is the Same as PT?

Both physical therapists and corrective exercise specialists help clients alleviate muscle/joint pain and improve their movement capabilities. However, the manner in which these professionals enter a client’s health and fitness journey is very different, and the procedures employed when working with clients are often dissimilar.

Corrective Exercise


The job of a corrective exercise specialist is quite different. These types of professionals do not (and should never) diagnose and/or treat a medical condition. Instead, their specialty skills consist of assessing and evaluating a client’s musculoskeletal system for soft tissue and movement restrictions, imbalances, habitual patterns, and muscle dysfunction that may affect that person’s ability to move well, exercise effectively and/or perform daily activities

Physical therapists are licensed health care professionals whose services are typically used by clients to treat a medical diagnosis, physical trauma, or specific injury (e.g., Achilles tendinitis, plantar fasciitis, rotator cuff tear, post-surgery rehabilitation, etc.). Physical therapy is also prescribed as an alternative means to orthopedic surgery, with therapists teaching patients how to prevent or manage their medical condition(s), often lessening the need for prescription drugs and painkillers.

How Does Corrective Exercise Work?

Corrective exercise is a specialized approach to fitness and rehabilitation that focuses on identifying and addressing muscular imbalances, postural issues, and movement dysfunctions within the body. By carefully seeing how you move and any physical limitations, we can design a personalized exercise program that will target these specific issues. Through a combination of stretching, strengthening, and mobility exercises, corrective exercise aims to reestablish proper movement mechanics, improve posture, and alleviate pain or discomfort. This approach not only helps prevent injuries but also enhances overall physical performance, meaning you can live your life doing the things that you love with less pain and move better.

Is This the Same as Personal Training?

Corrective exercise is NOT the same as personal training. Personal training is focused on full body improvement and growth. Corrective exercise is an advanced form of exercises that is used for targeting movement or joint issues that can cause pain and loss of range of motion.

Who Can Benefit From Corrective Exercise?

  • Athletes: Corrective exercise can help athletes address imbalances and prevent injuries by improving their biomechanics and functional movement patterns.

  • Rehabilitation Patients: Individuals recovering from injuries or surgeries can use corrective exercise to regain strength and mobility in affected areas

  • Sedentary Individuals: People with desk jobs or a sedentary lifestyle can develop poor posture and muscle imbalances, making corrective exercise valuable for improving posture and reducing pain.

  • Aging Adults: Aging can lead to decreased mobility and flexibility, and corrective exercise can help seniors maintain their independence and quality of life.

  • Chronic Pain Sufferers: Those experiencing chronic pain, such as back pain or joint pain, can benefit from exercises that address the root causes of their discomfort.

  • Pregnant Women: Corrective exercises tailored for pregnancy can alleviate discomfort and prepare the body for labor and postpartum recovery.

  • Postpartum Women: Corrective exercise can help women regain core strength and address postural changes that occur after childbirth.

  • Desk Workers: Office workers often develop poor posture and muscular imbalances due to prolonged sitting, and corrective exercises can help counter these issues

  • Fitness Enthusiasts: Even individuals who regularly engage in physical activity can benefit from corrective exercises to enhance their performance and reduce the risk of overuse injuries.

  • People with Specific Conditions: Those with conditions like scoliosis, arthritis, or osteoporosis can use corrective exercises to manage their condition and improve their quality of life.

  • People with Overuse Injuries: Athletes or individuals with overuse injuries, such as tendinitis or stress fractures, can use corrective exercises to recover and prevent future injuries.

  • Postural Problems: People with rounded shoulders, forward head posture, or other postural issues can benefit from exercises that help correct these imbalances.

  • Weight Loss Seekers: Corrective exercises can support weight loss efforts by improving movement efficiency and reducing the risk of injuries during physical activity.


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